Insights Discovery
Insights Discovery is a simple, practical and memorable four colour model which, accompanied by a personal profile, helps people understand more about themselves and others.
The colour energies are Fiery Red, Sunshine Yellow, Earth Green and Cool Blue energies. It’s the unique mix of each of these energies in us that determines how and why we behave the way we do.
Insights Discovery will benefit individual development and also team effectiveness.
Motivational Maps
Highly motivated people are
- 50% more likely to exceed their performance targets
- 18% more productive
- 49% less likely to leave
- 4.5x revenue growth in organisations with highly engaged employees
Motivational Maps help you understand an individual or a teams primary motivators and how they can be more energised, happy and productive.
Creating a highly motivated, energised workplace, where leaders are motivationally intelligent and people are fired up, willingly giving discretionary effort, is easy to implement and measure using Motivational Maps.
Clarity 4D
Clarity 4D is a personality profile tool that is simple and cost effective so it is a popular tool especially with SME’s for individual development and team development.
It unlocks a heightened level of self-understanding, highlighting individual personality style and communication preferences. Each colour refers to a different element, based on Carl Jung’s four psychological types. This theory surmises that unique characteristics belong to each element and this can be seen in our resulting behaviours and preferences in life and work.
A few benefits of Clarity 4D include:
- Improved team engagement and productivity
- Enhanced communication and effective relationship- building
- Greater self-awareness and awareness of others, including their values and working style
- Deeper understanding of everyone’s individual needs to improve teamwork